Semantics VS syntax in film
SemanticsIs the meaning of words. Semantic vocabulariesA set of terms (e.g., words) that are used in a specific community. provide meaning to the terms used in metadataData about data. Metadata provides a context for research findings, ideally in a machine-readable format. It enables discovery of data via an electronic interface, and correct use and attribution of findings. in a way that is understandable to a human being. For example, the semantic vocabulary description for altitude might be, "the vertical position of a flying object."
Syntax in metadata refers to the format instructions for storage of valuesMetadata values are the content connected to metadata labels in a metadata element. For example, if the metadata label is "date", the metadata value could be "May 13, 2007". in computers. Syntax might include information on values such as float, real, ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange or binary. For example, an entry in a syntactic vocabulary might be, "altitude data values are measured in feet, F8.6 (here, the F8.6 indicates the form of the numeric value, 8 characters in total with the possibility of 6 after the decimal)."
As noted previously, usage vocabulariesThe set of terms used to identify, analyze, or re-use data values in the native form of the data asset. provide information on the terminology for using the data values. Thus, a usage vocabulary would include both semantic metadata (e.g., the term latitude and the definition of what this term means) and syntactic metadata (e.g., the data value for latitude is F8.6).
However, a discovery vocabularyUse of metadata values or vocabularies to find metadata or data sets. typically does not contain syntactic metadata. This is because the discovery vocabulary describes collections of usage terms or data values that already are known to the community.
For example, North Atlantic Ocean represents a certain grouping of latitude and longitude values and represents a specific meaning to the oceanographic community. The term North Atlantic Ocean has inherent syntax (e.g., capitalization and allowed spaces) but does not have syntax associated with the content because the term doesn’t explicitly contain values but rather is a generalized description of a collection of values.
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