Formal semantics and pragmatics for natural languages

Formal semantics and pragmatics for natural languages

Semantics as the study of meaning in natural languages, and pragmatics as the study of how utterances are interpreted, might seem to be one and the same study. Given that the meaning of an expression is the information that that expression conveys, and that interpretation by users of the language is the retrieval of information from expressions, it may be hard to envisage that…
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Language change semantic

Language change semantic

The effect of relative language proficiency on the spatial distribution and magnitude of BOLD signal change was evaluated by studying two groups of right-handed English–Mandarin bilingual participants with contrasting language proficiencies as they made semantic judgments with words and characters. Greater language proficiency corresponded to shorter response times and greater…
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Semantic Frames

Semantic Frames

In Frame semantics, a semantic frame is defined as a coherent structure of concepts that are related such that without knowledge of all of them, one does not have complete knowledge of one of the either, and are in that sense types of gestalt. Frames are based on recurring experiences. Frames are evoked, among other things, by words as the semantic conceptual content of the…
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