What Is Semantic Memory?

Word semantics example

Semantics relates to the meaning of words. Initially, when reading, students deal with concrete objects, information, and meaning. Reading comprehension is made more complex as students must construct meaning from concepts and information beyond their direct sensory experience, such as with abstract concepts or technical vocabulary. In turn, a student must expand and diversify his/her vocabulary for understanding to become richer as he/she advances through school.

For example, as students grow older and encounter more complex reading tasks, their understanding of verbs (such as think and believe), and conjunctions (such as because and although) must increase. Students’ understanding of specific technical vocabulary words, e.g., those found in math, science, history, etc., must continue to develop as well.

Here are some strategies to help students develop their reading comprehension skills by focusing on semantic skills.

Helpful Hints

  • Confirm that students’ skills in word decoding (reading words rapidly and accurately) are at, or near grade level. Provide opportunities for students to make decoding skills "automatic, " so that they are able to focus on the meaning of what they are reading.
  • Preview new vocabulary words and technical terms, e.g., those found in math and science materials, before having students read the text.
  • Promote students’ ongoing vocabulary development by using multiple methods for introducing and reinforcing vocabulary words.
  • Relate vocabulary words to students’ personal and/or prior experience. Reinforce new word comprehension by providing students with as many direct experiences as possible, including taking field trips, conducting experiments, working on projects, etc.
  • Show how new words are related to one another, for example, biography and autobiography, eavesdrop and privacy, etc. Techniques for relating words may include using classifying activities, graphic organizers such as concept maps or Venn diagrams, and using role-play.
  • Put difficult vocabulary words on flash cards; allow students to study them at home and refer to them in school.
  • Have students keep personal vocabulary dictionaries of words they find challenging.
  • Link reading and writing by having students practice using homophones (words with the same sound, and possibly, the same spelling, but different meanings), e.g., cheap and cheep, red and read, homographs (words that have the same spelling but different meanings and sounds), such as bass, dove, and row, and words with multiple meanings, e.g., run, sink, light.
  • See also:
    • routerbitsonline
    Metadata and Semantic Research: Third International Conference, MTSR 2009, Milan, Italy, October 1-2, 2009. Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
    Book (Springer)
    Charting the Topic Maps Research and Applications Landscape: First International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications, TMRA 2005, Leipzig, ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
    Book (Springer)
    • Used Book in Good Condition
    Leveraging the Semantics of Topic Maps: Second International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications, TMRA 2006, Leipzig, Germany, October ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
    Book (Springer)
    Advances in Information Retrieval: 34th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2012, Barcelona, Spain, April 1-5, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)
    Book (Springer)
    • Used Book in Good Condition
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